Speak to Doustkam Law Now
Best Truck Accident Attorneys in Los Angeles
Truck accidents require aggressive and powerful representation. Truck accidents typically result is much more severe injuries than regular auto accidents. Therefore, knowledgeable and compassionate representation is critical to assure that the injured party is made whole and obtains the maximum compensation for their injuries. We are not a firm that simply writes letters and settles cases for whatever the insurance companies offer. We will file a lawsuit on your behalf and litigate your case to show the insurance companies that we are serious and mean business. Please call us now for a free case evaluation. We will drive to you if necessary.
You might be surprised to find out that 1 out of every 8 auto accidents involves a truck, trailer, big rigs, or commercial vehicles. It is no surprise that the majority of deaths and fatalities resulting from auto accidents are from accidents involving trucks. And the death caused by truck accidents is generally the driver of the other vehicle, and not the truck driver. This is the unfortunate truth our lawyers have experienced in our 25 years of representing victims of truck accidents.
Speak to Bobby Now!
Personal Injury
Car Accidents
Free Consultation
It is common to feel confused, traumatized, and frustrated following a serious truck accident, particularly when a wrongful death of a loved is involved. Out qualified lawyers can provide with the aggressive representation needed to get your vehicle repaired, get treated with the most qualified physicians required for your injuries, get you the money you lost from work due to the auto accident, and to get you the money you deserve for your pain and suffering.